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URBACT Campus Braga - Matosinhos Transfer Diary

Matosinhos Transfer Diary /

Urbact Campus Braga / 28th - 29th May 2019

On May 28 and 29, the Portuguese URBACT Campus 2019 was held in Braga, promoted by the URBACT Secretariat, with the support of the Braga City Council.

Matosinhos, as well as other 16 Portuguese cities, were there to strengthen the capacities of municipal technicians and local stakeholders in the co-production and implementation of integrated and participatory approaches to urban development applied to Transfer Networks.

They were two intense days of work, which were not lacking more relaxed moments, such as the personality self-test or the creation of Vox-Pops. Campus development was fluid and fruitful, with all participants eager to share experiences from their territories.

The last working session was dedicated to the presentation of projects developed by the city of Braga and linked to the Transfer Network in which the city is involved - URBAN REGENERATION MIX - and the CityMobilNet project (Action Planning Network, completed in May 2018). The session included a visit to the neighborhoods of Paxanxa and Fontainhasin Braga.

All the shared experiences will be of great use in our transfer process in the Bluact project.


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