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Professor, Department of Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

Member of the European Blue Forum. Expert in Marine Spatial Planning and Blue Economy (Eastern Mediterranean Sea-basin expert, European MSP Platform). Director of the Workshop "Strategic and Maritime Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development". Director of the Postgraduate/Doctoral Studies Programme of the Department of Economic and Regional Development, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences. Member of the National Council of Spatial Planning. Coordinator of the REGINA-MSP- Regions Boosting national Maritime Spatial Planning (EMFAF) project.





Professor, University of the Aegean, Dean of the School of Management Sciences, Maritime Economics, Department of Shipping and Business Services.

Maria Lekakou is Professor of Maritime Economics at the Department of Shipping and Business Services of the University of the Aegean and Dean of the School of Management Sciences and Chair of the Aegean Archipelagos Blue Development Committee. He was a member of the Maritime Intermodal Regulatory Authority (2001-2004) and a member of the first Council of the University of the Aegean.





Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering, University of West Attica

Ο Δρ. Δημήτριος Δ. Πυρομάλης είναι Επίκουρος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Μηχανικών Βιομηχανικής Σχεδίασης και Παραγωγής στο Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Αττικής. Είναι διευθυντής του ερευνητικού εργαστηρίου Ηλεκτρονικού Αυτοματισμού, Τηλεματικής και Cyber-Physical Systems. Τα ερευνητικά του ενδιαφέροντα περιλαμβάνουν τη σχεδίαση και την ανάπτυξη ηλεκτρονικών ενσωματωμένων συστημάτων σε τομείς εφαρμογής όπως τα αυτόνομα οχήματα, το διαδίκτυο των πραγμάτων (ΙοΤ) και τα κυβερνο-φυσικά συστήματα. Είναι συγγραφέας περισσότερων από εκατόν-είκοσι δημοσιεύσεων σε διεθνή επιστημονικά ερευνητικά περιοδικά, συνέδρια και κεφάλαια βιβλίων με μεγάλη απήχηση και πολλές αναφορές. Επίσης, είναι συγγραφέας βιβλίων που καλύπτουν θέματα μηχανικής. Επιπλέον, έχει συνεργαστεί με κορυφαίες πολυεθνικές εταιρείες κατασκευής ημιαγωγών ως Field Application Engineer και Τεχνικός Σύμβουλος τα τελευταία είκοσι πέντε χρόνια.





Associate Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at NTUA - Head of the Technology Transfer Office.

Dr Spyros Arsenis is the Head of Business Innovation Development Unit of the National Bank of Greece, head of the NBG Business Seeds program and the initial coordinator of the act4Greece Crowdfunding program. He participates in the advisory boards of, Metavallon, Big Pi, Archimides Centre of the National University of Athens and OK!Thess as well as in the evaluation committee of Elevate Greece and EIT Health.





Deputy Head of Business Innovation Development Unit | NBG Business Seeds.

Dr Spyros Arsenis is the Head of Business Innovation Development Unit of the National Bank of Greece, head of the NBG Business Seeds program and the initial coordinator of the act4Greece Crowdfunding program. He participates in the advisory boards of, Metavallon, Big Pi, Archimides Centre of the National University of Athens and OK!Thess as well as in the evaluation committee of Elevate Greece and EIT Health.




Office Manager of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment responsible for Research - Technology - Innovation, Managing Director of Elevate Greece S.A.





Professor, University of Piraeus.

Dr. Piraeus Logistics, Logistics, Logistics and Transportation, Piraeus University of Piraeus. Dr. Maria Boile is Professor of "Management and Policy of Port and Terminal Facilities for Combined Transport" and Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Shipping at the Department of Maritime Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece.  and Head of the Section for Economic and Environmental Issues – Maritime.





Professor at the Department of Business Administration and Management, University of Piraeus.

Mr. Maravelakis is a Professor specializing in Statistical Science, and Associate Teaching Staff in the Postgraduate Programme "Quality Management and Technology" of the Open University in the subject area "Quantitative Methods in Tourism Management" (DIT 10). He has published more than 43 articles in international journals and has participated in numerous conferences.

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Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Piraeus.

Panagiotis Kotsanikolaou is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Piraeus and Director of the MSc Cybersecurity and Data Science graduate program. His scientific expertise is in security and privacy. He has more than 20 years of experience in the field of cybersecurity. He has participated in research and development projects as a scientific manager, technical manager or researcher. He has previously worked in the private and public sector as an inspector and as an information systems security consultant. He has published more than 80 scientific papers in international journals and conferences in the field of cyber security and has participated in numerous scientific committees of international scientific conferences and journals.

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Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Piraeus.

Her scientific and research interests are focused on Energy and Environmental Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Tourism Development, Development of Special Forms of Tourism with emphasis on the Development of Value Tourism. He has published work in International Refereed Journals, International Refereed Conferences, Panhellenic Refereed Conferences, Refereed Book Publications, Papers in Scientific Journals. He is also a reviewer in International Scientific Journals.

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Assistan Professot, Univeristy of Piraeus.

Dr. Ioannis Katsanakis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism Studies of the University of Piraeus in the field of Information Systems Management in Enterprises and Organizations with emphasis on Business Process Management.Dr. Ioannis Katsanakis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism Studies of the University of Piraeus in the field of Information Systems Management in Enterprises and Organizations with emphasis on Business Process Management. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and a Master's Degree in Business Administration - Total Quality from the University of Piraeus. He holds a PhD from the Department of Business Administration and Management of the University of Piraeus in the field of Strategic Information Systems and the Use of New Technologies in Business, with the topic: "Development and Evaluation of Information Systems in Modern Business".





Dr. Civil Engineer, NTUA

Professional and academic experience is oriented towards the Blue Economy. The subjects related to blue economy development in which he has been involved are the following:

  • Field measurements of marine currents and waves and their analysis

  • Research (applied and basic) on physical simulations of ports and coastal zones

  • Studies of port and coastal engineering projects

  • Teaching of courses related to ports, floating structures and coasts

  • Participation in >80 Research Projects related to the Blue Economy





Development Manager of the IT Department of APOPSI Group of Companies.

Ms. Zafeiropoulou holds a degree in Business Administration and Management from the Athens University of Economics and Business Administration and a Master's degree in Technology Management (Msc. In Management of Technology) from New York University (NYU). Since 2016, she has been involved in the implementation of IT projects at APOPSI Group, first as a Technology Strategy and R&D Consultant and then as the Development Manager of the Group's IT Department.




PhD candidate at the Athens University of Economics and Business. Manager of UN SDSN Greece and EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece.

Lydia Papadaki is a PhD candidate at the Athens University of Economics and Business (Scholarship from the Academy of Athens). She is the Manager of UN SDSN Greece and the Greek Climate Innovation Hub (EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece). She has also worked as a researcher in collaboration with ATHENA Research Centre, UNSDSN Greece, EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece and the International Centre for Research on Environment and Economy (ICRE8), and has participated in several projects funded by the European Union. Lydia has organized more than 20 participatory workshops and seminars and has prepared and delivered lectures and seminars targeting different audiences, including all educational levels and the general public. She received her MSc in Economics and Energy and Environmental Policy from University College London (UCL), and her BA (Distinction) in Economic Theory and Policy from the Athens University of Economics and Business.





Project Development Manager WIMA.

She holds a degree of Political Science and Social Policy of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens. She is a serial project manager and business developer for the last 8 years. Since her first position in the Public sector up to the latest position in Bluegrowth, she has managed to accomplish highly complex and demanding projects, on both operating and developing perspectives.
Her career began during her studies at Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights in Court of Auditors. Worked in Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs when she finished her studies. She moved to Science View Company, as Junior Marketing Manager where she was responsible for international scientific conferences. After she moved to a company of Lead Capital Markets as Account Manager. In 2015 she moved to As a team member of organization, she has taken part in many vertical-sector projects such as Viti Vini Lab, Olive Challenge contests, gaining experience and evolving her skills with a 360’ approach on how to initiate, schedule and execute of such national projects. Moreover as Project Manager of Bluegrowth Greece, she has gained extended experience in the Blue Economy sector, achieving for 5 years the Organisation’s operation and
development with great results. In 2021 she moved to her current position where she still works.

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Project Manager – Data Analyst, Apopsi Group of Companies.

Υπεύθυνη Ψηφιακής και Δημόσιας Εικόνας, Τμήμα Στατιστικής, Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών.

Nymfodora – Maria Raftopoulou is a Polyglottic Statistician, born in Athens, in 1993. She graduated from the Athens University of Economics and Business, in 2016, holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics (while also spending a semester, in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sheffield, in 2015). In 2017, she completed her Master of Arts in Pedagogy and Teaching Adequacy in Education Sciences (AUEB), and, in 2019, she earned her Master of Science in Statistics, majoring in “Computational Statistics” and “Stochastics” (AUEB). From 2019 to 2021, she worked as a Data Science Freelancer, in the Financial Services Industry. In 2021, she received a Scholarship from Google and completed the “Data Analytics”, “UX Design”, “Project Management” and “IT Support” Google Specialization Professional Certificates, as well as a Scholarship from Cisco, for the conduction of the “Cisco Networking Academy – Introduction to Cybersecurity” Certificate. As of 2022, she has been working as a Project Manager and Data Analyst, in the Department of IT of Apopsi Group of Companies and as a Social Media Promoter and Public Relations Representative of the Department of Statistics of the Athens University of Economics and Business. Her current research interests revolve around the implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms in innovative, cross – platform, sustainable, 3 dimensional, virtual, Gamified Learning Systems, upon the analysis of the results of which (Game Metrics), all users of the System receive an optimized visualization of their Personalized Feedback Report Dashboard.




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Communication Officer, Blue Growth Piraeus.

Ploumis Angelos is the co-founder and the managing director of Designature creative design agency. His studies are related with Engineering at Technical University of Crete, University of Bradford and University of Leeds (MSc). He is highly skilled in communication strategy and implementation, graphic design, web design, technical design and branding. He has participated in various creative projects related with the Maritime and Shipping industry, Sustainability, Urban Development, for the public and the private sector, presentations for Municipalities and Regional Governments, and also for European projects, by designing the communication strategy and implementing the dissemination actions.

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Associate Professor, University of West Attica.

He is an Associate Professor at the University of Western Attica, in the field of Local Development and Administration. He graduated from the  Department of Local Government Unit Management of TEI Kalamata and then obtained a Master's degree (MSc) in Local Government and Development from the University of Birmingham. He completed his Doctoral Thesis at the University of the Aegean on the subject of the contribution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to Regional and Local Development. Since 2017 he has been teaching at the Department of Accounting and Finance of the University of Western Attica. He has been a lecturer in the "Public Economics and Policy" Master's Program at PADA since 2014, while he also collaborates with other master's programs as a lecturer. He was a contract lecturer at the Department of Local Government of the TEI Kalamata (2000-2013) and at the Department of Accounting of the University of Piraeus TT (2013), while in 2018-2019  he collaborated as a SEP member with the Open University in Subject Unit [DEO24] Public Administration and Politics. He has taught at the National School of Local Self-Government (2008-10), while he is a lecturer at the Training Institute at the National Center for Public Administration and Self-Government since 2007. He is an external collaborator of the Laboratory of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, School of Topographical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and the Technology and Innovation Management Laboratory (WAVE Lab) of the Department of Business Administration of the School of Management Sciences of the University of the Aegean. He worked for more than 15 years as a scientific associate and researcher in the field of self-government in a series of national and European projects. His research interests focus on local government and development issues, with an emphasis on strategic planning, social innovation, urban governance, e-governance, organizational reforms and participatory processes. He has published his scientific work in a significant number of national and international conferences and journals.





Technical Advisor, 3D Printing / 3D Design, BlueLab Piraeus.

Mr. Kantaros is a Materials Science Engineer from the University of Ioannina, holder of a Master's degree in Energy & Environment from the National Technical University of Athens. In 2015 he received his PhD from the University of Piraeus in 3D Printing & 3D Design technologies and in 2022 he obtained a Post-Doctoral Degree from the University of Western Attica on product design and manufacturing through 3D Printing technology. Since 2019, he has been a Technical Advisor at BlueLab Piraeus in 3D Printing & 3D Design.





Business Development Consultant.

Since 2000, she has been dealing with business and small and medium-sized enterprises as an executive - responsible for development in consulting companies and also as a partner in matters of subsidies - financing in companies providing consulting services. In 2008, she created her own business providing specialized consulting services to businesses and organizations in the Private Sector. In 2018, he creates the following my dreams network, which consists of a specialized team of scientists that provides business ideas and needs with comprehensive consulting services. At the same time, he was involved in the evaluation of financial actions as a lecturer-evaluator in project management bodies.
Since 2015, he has been an advisor to the President of the Piraeus Chamber of Commerce, Andrianos Michalaros, as well as a special partner for the provision of information and advice that concern the artisans - members of the Chamber in matters related to Financial Instruments, provided in collaboration with Development, National and European agencies , for the strengthening of Greek entrepreneurship but also as a technical advisor in national and European programs of the chamber.
Today, having a leading position in the field of consulting services based on the client base and the approved investment plans it manages, it has created an expanded network of experienced partners in countries inside and outside Europe and continues to provide services covering the whole range of business activities with an emphasis on in the areas of Funding Opportunities, Funding and Management of Investment Projects, Strategic and Business Planning, Business Organization, Initiative Development and implements actions aimed at providing more efficient services to small and medium enterprises as well as the organization of business events.
It deals with the development and strengthening of women's entrepreneurship as well as with the support of young - start-up entrepreneurship with an emphasis on young people in technical professions.
She is a speaker at many seminars, sessions, forums and conferences on entrepreneurship issues in Greece and abroad.




EEDIP member at the University of Piraeus in Health Services Administration - Head of the Office of International Relations and European Programs of the University of Piraeus.





Senior Management at APOPSI SA, Lecturer at the University of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies.

Petros Pallis holds a PhD from the Department of Maritime Studies of the University of Piraeus. He holds an MBA from the University of Wales, United Kingdom and a Masters in Banking from the Hellenic Open University. He is also a graduate (degree) of the Department of Economics, University of Piraeus.

He has published more than fifteen (15) scientific papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and participates in research projects.


Today, he is a Senior Executive at APOPSI SA and  Academic Scholar (Teaching Fellow) at EKPA, at the Department of Port and Shipping Management, Lecturer at the University of Piraeus, at the Department of Maritime Studies, as well as being a Member of the Board of Directors at the EAP , in the course DEA05 Supply Chain Strategies and Risk Management. He is also a Postdoctoral Researcher (Post doc) from ELIDEK.





Chief Scientific Officer ERMA FIRST.

Efi started her journey in Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Crete in 1998. Wastewater treatment and management are her main interests. During her undergraduate studies, she worked on the removal of Arsenic from groundwater, while in her postgraduate thesis at the Technical University of Crete she dealt with  wastewater treatment from the hydrometallurgical mining of Gallium Ga and Germanium Ge from fly ash through funding program from the European Union (ECSC, 2002) and participation in the research program HIVALUE: Production of high added-value materials from clean coal gasification by-products. Efi remained at the Technical University of Crete until 2010 while working as a Researcher at the Laboratory of Environmental Engineering and Management (LEEM) since the beginning of 2004. She is the first Greek engineer specializing in ballast and started her professional course in  ERMA FIRST in early 2010. From the beginning of her career in the shipping industry she focused on R&D, system certification and environmental policies. She is the Chief Scientific Officer of the company with primary responsibility for the certification process, implementing all relevant international regulations, worldwide business development and environmental compliance, safety and conservation of the marine environment. 

Until April 2023, she was the President of the International Ballast Water Manufacturers Association (BEMA) with a decisive contribution to their acceptance into the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as an NGO, while she continues as Chair  of the Foreign Affairs Committee, a member of the Hellenic Representation as a Technical Advisor to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of the specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for maritime safety and the prevention of marine and air pollution from ships. IMO's work supports the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. He is a member of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and Pollution Prevention and Remediation (PPR) Committees and a member of the Ballast Water Expert Group at  Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMAREST).





Στέλεχος της Υποδιεύθυνσης Ανάπτυξης Καινοτόμου Επιχειρηματικότητας, με μακρόχρονη εμπειρία στο HR και στις πιστοδοτήσεις στην Εθνική Τράπεζα.

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