The BlueGrowthPiraeus competition is implemented in 2 phases.
The first phase concerns the conduct of the competition, which includes the publication of an invitation , the submission of applications UNTIL 31/5 and the evaluation of the candidates , the preparation of a workshop for the selection of the selected business groups for the presentation of their idea, the Demo Day during which the candidates are evaluated by the members of the Advisory Committee, by representatives of Marinescape and the other attendees.
The best business ideas (up to 15) are awarded and promoted in the hatching program.
The second phase concerns the hatching program where business services (coaching, coaching) are provided to the awarded teams that start from the creation or improvement of the business plan to the establishment of a company, in the context of lectures and workshops in various thematic units. At the same time, the networking of business ideas is promoted in order to further mature and finance them .